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Showing posts from February 4, 2019

Sustainable, Vegan, Recycled and Reusable - 2019

Sustainable, Vegan, Recycled and Reusable   Throughout 2018 there was a rise in the amount of 'talk' about sustainability and the way things we buy are produced. Consumers became more and more conscious about the background of the products they were spending their hard earned cash on. This year, 2019, is going to see this 'trend' grow and grow in popularity. However I think there are still a lot of people who see this as a 'trend' just because it seems to be popular on social media platforms with celebrities and influences talking about it more and more. Veganism is the rise at the moment but it isn't just food that veganism is about. It also about using vegan materials in clothing, face and body care and home-ware. Recycled products are becoming more popular too, with some businesses deciding to take one mans trash and turn it into treasure and to extend the life of the items so it lasts much longer and gives it another use. Reusable item...

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